
Volkshochschule Stade e.V.

Wallstr. 17
21682 Stade
04141 40990

alle Angebote dieses Anbieters zeigen

Certificate in Advanced English CAE (C1)

Dieses Angebot ist abgelaufen.


CAE is a higher qualification in English for practical rather than academic purposes, although it is also accepted for matriculation by many higher education establishments worldwide. The ?Study Course? develops sophisticated vocabulary and a high level of grammatical accuracy, and equips you to converse with educated native speakers on almost equal terms, while providing regular authentic practice with examination tasks. The ?Mock Examination? familiarises you with the examination format and gives feedback on timed tasks, with a particular focus on the Listening, Speaking and Writing sections.
Das Unterrichtsmaterial wird am ersten Unterrichtstag bekannt gegeben.